Cheating prevention

How is cheating detected at Cash Zone? utilizes its own proprietary cheat detection software. It takes into account player’s behaviour in a particular game, his playing history, game archive and other factors.

Is the engine reliable?

The cheat detection system has been developed and thoroughly tested over several years. It is known to detect every attempt in cheating, whatever method is used.

How does cheat detection work?

After a game is ended, both bets are locked. The game is analysed by cheat detection engine and after validation, funds are unlocked and added to appropriate Wallets. This process should not take more than few minutes, but resolving more complicated cases can take up to 24 hours.

If the engine detects cheating, cheater is banned and his winnings are annulled.

How do you distinguish a cheater from a strong player?

Basically, whenever a player appears noticeably strong, there are two options: He either uses a chess engine or is a skillful player with considerable experience. Therefore, exceptionally strong players are required to confirm their identity by providing their FIDE certifications.

What happens if I lose to a cheater? Do I lose my money?

No, you don’t. Due to fund locking, your funds are safely stored until a game has been verified. If opponent’s cheating is confirmed, they are returned to your Wallet (Money back Guarantee).

Do the cheater lose his money?

Upon confirmed cheating, a $100 dollar fine is imposed and deducted from offender's account. Cheater may be permanently banned from cash games, but is still able to withdraw funds from his Wallet (except fines and funds gained by cheating).